
The datasets produced in this work are available for research purposes on this Web site. The data are distributed in Polygon File Format (ply) after the scanned data went through hole filling, remodeling, decimation, and coloring. We encourage researchers and professionals to download, experiment, and investigate our data.

Descriptive paragraph

"The Aleijadinho3D dataset contains the scanned information of 12 statues and 3 ornaments of the renowned Brazilian sculptor Aleijadinho (Antonio Francisco Lisboa). The artworks of Aleijadinho were handcrafted during the century XVIII, and the digitization was made in 2014 by researchers of the University of Sao Paulo. After scanning, the 3D data went through hole filling, remodeling of missing details, decimation, and coloring. The whole bundle was used to build the Aleijadinho 3D Website at"

Paper - how to cite these data:

Jose Rodrigues, Mario Gazziro, Natalia Goncalves, Oscar Neto, Yvan Fernandes, Anaya Gimenes, Caio Alegre, Romulo Assis (2014), The 12 prophets dataset (Aleijadinho 3D: technology for the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage), Technical Report ICMC-USP-400, pags. 1-9, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil - Full citation bibtex file.
